My first website began on Scrapplet. It was a real simple site that was easy to overdo. LarkBlog was the name of the site and I had hoped to do game reviews and keep up a blog (called The Blog) about myself. You can see it worked super well! #sarcastic The home page consisted of and a music playlist. The Blog section had G4’s The Feed, a guest book for visitors, blog and blog history, and a section for games reviews. There was also a page that became the precursor for my Legend of Light blog, and a page full of multiple playlists.
My second site came later on Moonfruit. G4 told me about this site, so I decided to try it out. I put much more into this site and made sure not to overdo anything, but this was less of a blog and more of a place for my book. The site was named Legend of Light (after my novel-in-progress), and all that remains is an empty home page and a link to Zelda Reorchestrated. Most of the site was removed due to me deleting it. I did so since most people went there to see what I had and I wanted them to go to Gemakei Forums instead. A few of the items from the site, such as my short stories, carried over.
My third site was on WordPress due to my wish for a true blogging experience. This was my second version of Legend of Light and was once again for my book, but with more of my personal life in mind. Ranting (not sure why) and reviews was pretty much the main topics. With this site came a new Twitter account which is no longer in use by me. The Light Blog was the best looking site I had made since I began making sites and lasted me a some time. I used it if I wanted to post something on Twitter that was more than 140 characters. This site has since been integrated into my fifth site.
My fourth site was for Sonic Reorchestrated and was a separate blog from The Light Blog. They linked to each other and they should have been joined into one site, but I wanted to keep them separate so I could use separate looks. This site only had one post and it linked to Gemakei Forums for the SREO thread. The old site URL was but was changed for future use and integrated into my last site (below). Like all of my other sites, it still exists and can be visited, but it is not in the same condition as it was when it was active. My fifth website was, again, on WordPress. It lasted the longest, and is still mostly intact. I spent a long time getting the header image and background image to merge seamlessly with the custom fog-like design. Proud of it still!
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